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Press // Awards
The annual list features forward-thinking private companies in a range of industries that are growing quickly and whose innovations are changing the…
May 26, 2021
Press // Acquisitions
Lineage acquires Crystal Creek is one of the largest providers of e-commerce fulfillment services for direct-to-consumer frozen and refrigerated food…
May 20, 2021
Press // Business Development
Lineage announces a multi-year sponsorship of pro golfer Justin Thomas, including a $100,000 donation to his foundation, aligning with shared values…
May 19, 2021
Press // Awards
Lineage, recognized by the U.S. DOE, excels in energy procurement and data science innovation, saving millions in energy costs and earning patents.
May 19, 2021
Growth // Culture
Engineering and Maintenance has evolved from a reactional, day-to-day function into a strategic, forward-looking team that is essential to the goal…
May 14, 2021
Press // Acquisitions // Business Development
Lineage continues to expand its leading European presence with Company’s first foray into Spain strengthening its global presence.

May 05, 2021
Press // Awards // Philanthropy
Lineage was named as a finalist in the Pandemic Response category of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards for its “Share A Meal” campaign…
May 04, 2021
Press // Business Development
Lineage announces its strategic acquisition of UTI Forwarding, marking its entry into the European freight forwarding industry and enhancing its…
April 26, 2021
Impact // Culture
Lineage team members live our purpose—to transform the food supply chain to eliminate waste and help feed the world—every day we show up to work.
April 20, 2021