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Investing in automation revolutionizes the cold chain, addressing challenges and advancing the farm-to-fork process while leading to a more efficient…
March 30, 2022
The Global Cold Chain Alliance recognizes outstanding future leaders in temperature-controlled logistics annually. Lineage's Corrin Hill…
March 28, 2022
Software is revolutionizing the cold chain industry, providing agility and maximizing equipment throughput and flexibility for businesses adapting to…
March 24, 2022
Lineage Europe supports employees affected by the Ukraine crisis with emergency funds, paid volunteer time, and ongoing salary for Ukrainian team…
March 18, 2022
Team: Over the last few weeks, we have watched the devastating events in Ukraine unfold. Russia’s unprovoked invasion has left millions of innocent…
March 18, 2022
Press // Awards
Lineage received Customer Innovation of the Year Award in Sustainability, recognizing the Company’s commitment to introducing sustainable solutions…
March 17, 2022
Automation revolutionizes supply chains for accuracy and resilience, meeting demand and enhancing inventory tracking in the modern cold chain.
March 10, 2022
Press // Business Development // Enhancements
Lineage to develop a cutting-edge cold storage facility in Sydney with Mirvac, bolstering NSW's economy and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
March 09, 2022
Press // Acquisitions
Lineage expands its US presence with the acquisition of MTC Logistics, adding four key cold storage facilities to its global network and enhancing…
March 09, 2022