News & Stories

Media Inquiries

Reporters can email for media inquiries and multimedia requests for editorial use. Please note that only media inquiries will receive a response.

Impact // Culture
Dominic DiCarlo outlines Lineage's commitment to safety, detailing how a culture of constant learning and technological integration maintains an…
June 23, 2021
Press // Philanthropy
The Million Meals Tour aims to raise funds to donate over one million meals through private acoustic shows for those facing food insecurity across…
June 16, 2021
Angela Montville highlights Lineage's commitment to DE&I, celebrating Pride with educational events and a talk with NFL coach Katie Sowers…
June 15, 2021
Press // Acquisitions // Business Development
Lineage announced its intention to acquire the cold storage division of Claus Sørensen Group, a renowned cold storage operator in Denmark.
June 15, 2021
Growth // Innovation // Trusted Partner
Understanding how the cold chain has arrived at this moment provides us with a road map to a more robust and durable transportation portfolio.
June 10, 2021
Press // Acquisitions // Business Development
Lineage announced it has reached an agreement to acquire Kloosterboer Group (“Kloosterboer”), a leading independent integrated platform for…
June 08, 2021
Trusted Partner // Culture
Leading the way in food optimization and ensuring that only the freshest and safest foods reach our families and yours, motivates our entire team as…
June 03, 2021
Press // Acquisitions
The acquisition marks Lineage’s entrance into the European freight forwarding industry, strengthening efficiencies in global supply chain offering.
June 01, 2021
Impact // Trusted Partner // Culture
Lineage’s six values – safe, trust, respect, innovation, bold, and servant leadership – define who we are as a company and guide…
May 27, 2021