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2021 YEAR IN REVIEW: Feeding a Healing World While Achieving New Heights in Sustainability, Automation and Growth

December 07, 2021

The adage about living in interesting times has never been more fitting. Arriving on the heels of one of the most challenging years in the history of the cold chain, 2021 found our team at Lineage focused and ready to achieve the goals we’ve worked steadfastly toward. While we continue to work through challenges around the world, we’re pausing to reflect and take pride in what we have accomplished and our commitment to our core values.

1. Safety Will Always Be Our Number One Value

We take the safety of every single one of our team members around the world very seriously. A prime example of Lineage’s commitment can be found at our Arlington, Tennessee, warehouse. The team, led by General Manager Christopher Confer, hasn’t experienced a single incident of lost time or an OSHA recordable incident in over 13 years. Looking across the entire Lineage network, more than half of our facilities did not record a single OSHA recordable in 2021.

To promote team member safety, Lineage tirelessly analyzes worker-efficiency data from across the company. Lineage has partnered with StrongArm Tech, whose wearable device collects 370,000 ergonomic measurements for every worker each shift. Haptic alerts give feedback to users in real time, resulting in them correcting unfavorable body positions to reduce the potential for injuries that can be common in physically demanding jobs.

Keeping our team safe throughout COVID-19 has been a challenge we have met head-on. By continuously adapting to evolving regulations and CDC guidelines and adhering to the advice of the consultants we’ve brought on to guide us through the pandemic, our teams’ COVID-19 performance has significantly outperformed U.S. statistics.

At Lineage, safety will always be our No. 1 core value. From innovative advances to ensure food safety and food optimization throughout the cold chain to implementing new ways to protect our team members, our commitment to safety will never waver – our customers, team members and neighbors need us to always deliver on this promise.